Scrambled Eggs And Mashed Potatoes: Caregivers Comfort

Oct 8, 2018 | Caregiver Inspiration, caregivers journey, Practical Advice | 4 comments

I learned my go-to meal when I was on the road during my years in the music business. My schedule was usually brutal and nerve-wracking and I would lose my appetite. I had no desire to eat at a time when I needed my strength the most. Somehow I stumbled on the fact that scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes appealed to me and I could eat them almost anywhere and anytime no matter what my appetite was. They provided fuel and comfort and helped my appetite normalize. When I began my caregiving journey I found myself and my body reacting in very similar ways to my stress on the road. I couldn’t eat and I was sleep deprived. I knew the stakes were higher as a caregiver then an executive and I couldn’t afford to get weak or sick. I pulled out the scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes. Man did they serve me well! There was always a diner near the hospital or doctors office or I could easily make them at home quickly with the help of Bob Evans pre-made mashed potatoes! My parents found the meal comforting as well. I had something to fall back on that consistently helped me get my balance back. I realized that having a safety net meal was only the beginning. I needed a whole slew of people places and things that would prop me up when a crisis would hit me or the demands of caregiving began to wash over me like a tsunami. I needed things that helped me survive and cushion my fall. I needed to grab onto them as quickly as I could when the alarm bell sounded without hesitation or overthinking or worse of all feeling guilty. Since I didn’t have the luxury of going into my caregiver experience knowing all the things that would support me, it was a learning experience. I was on high alert for anything and everything that made me feel better and helped me keep going. I was careful not to choose things that gave me an instant high but then let me down like sugar or lots of carbs or bingeing on Netflix if it cost me sleep I needed.

Having a good cry was a powerful weapon.

I discovered things like asking for help, sharing my thoughts with someone, meditating when I could, walks around the block, leaving the room for 10 minutes, exercising every day, and even breaking down and having a good cry were all great actions in my arsenal. I made and allowed myself space and time to do all of them as often as I could. Get to know yourself and have a self-care emergency kit ready and waiting when you get out of sync or you feel yourself losing grip. Find out what works for you whether it’s a run around the block or a Cesar salad or coffee with a friend, then religiously dish it out to yourself. Don’t hesitate or think about or put it off. Most importantly don’t feel guilty about it. You are literally on survival mode when you are a Caregiver and if you don’t pay attention to the warning signs your body and soul give you, it will not be pretty.

Get your groove back!

Don’t put off getting your groove back. If your loved one became restless or lost their appetite or was in pain and weak, you would address it immediately. Do the same for yourself. Hit the diner and have scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes. If you promise not to do it all the time and no ones looking, get the apple pie and ice cream too. Everything will feel a lot better after you clean the plate.  
The Caregiver's Little Guide to Survival

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  1. Katie K

    Great ideas. You help me keep my balance by reminding me that I’m not the only one doing this. For me, it’s a liver loaf sandwich on healthy, seeded bread with Hellmann’s mayonnaise. Makes me feel pampered. Praise music in the kitchen also helps shift my focus from frustration and despair to hope and courage.

    • Susanne

      Yum! You go Katie! You are not alone. I am so happy you pamper yourself and as for music and dancing in the kitchen I can still see me and my Mom dancing around the kitchen to Dr. John. She loved the blues. Your courage inspires me.

  2. Stacey

    This really hit home with me, with the mashed potatoes! It’s my go-to meal for my Mom when she won’t eat anything else. Just discovered this site, looking forward to venturing further into your site.

    • Susanne

      Wow! Your Mom and I both have great taste! I know why she finds it comforting and easy to get down. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and I’m so glad you like the site. Is there anything you’d like me to cover? Please send my love to your Mom.

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