Self-Care for Caregivers

There is never enough celebration of caregivers in my world, so I’m always so happy when November rolls around and we have National Family Caregivers Month. It’s so wonderful to take a month’s worth of appreciation and focus it on these silent heroes. So often taken for granted, they need as much time in the spotlight as we can give them. This gives us 30 days to sing their praises, give them special attention, and a chance to acknowledge their tireless service to others above and beyond what we do the rest of the year.
As I caregiver, I was pleasantly surprised to receive kind and caring special attention during this month. Surprised because like most caregivers, I always assumed that my role as a caregiver was just something I signed up for without fanfare because it was the right thing to do and something that I deeply believed in. I didn’t do it for praise, applause, or approval.
However, as we all know, feeling supported and appreciated is so lovely and rejuvenating. It feels great, especially when it’s not expected. It’s like a breath of fresh air across your heart and soul and a mini vacation all in one!
I recently spoke to a Caregiver Warrior who had just lost her Mom and was wondering out loud why she was so tired! She was tired because she had completely upended her life, moved to another state to care for her Mom, and then spent the next 6 months bending over backward to give her Mom extraordinary care while making her transition peaceful and extremely comfortable.
She did this all so willingly that she failed to see the physical and emotional toll it took on her. She’s a typical caregiver, one that needs a gentle reminder that by caring so lovingly for her Mom, she forgot to care for herself. She has a hard time realizing that all the heavy lifting of caregiving is exhausting and the after-effects are long-term and overwhelming.
Sadly, it’s not unusual for caregivers like my friend to be out of touch with the ravages of caregiving. Most caregivers are so selfless that they need help paying attention to their own needs.
National Family Caregivers Month is a celebration and opportunity to reach out with support and honor. This month reminds us to say a little extra something, pick up the phone and check-in, just listen, offer to lend a hand or time, push someone to take a break while we stand in, remind someone how special and loved they are, and most importantly how appreciated they are and how inspired they make us.
It’s so easy to celebrate caregivers because it takes so little but helps so much. By honoring the amazing job they do and treating them like the heroes they are we can give them much needed support and understanding. They simply need to be reminded that what they do makes such a big difference. They are making the entire world a better place for all of us. By letting them know we are in awe and so grateful for them, we are lifting their spirits and helping them carry their burdens.
So let’s hear it for our Caregivers! Happy National Family Caregivers Month!
Let me know in the comments below how you are honoring or are honored this month.
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