The Caregiver Worrier

Oct 15, 2014 | Caregiver Inspiration, caregivers journey, Emotional Support | 0 comments

Caregivers Journey

photo (12)I wake up worried. I am one of those people who open their eyes and immediately start worrying about what I have to do or what might be happening. I think I’m hard wired that way. My mom was a worrier so whether it‚Äôs hereditary or I learned it from her or it’s just my personality I’m stuck with it. And you would think that because I’m aware of this about myself I could stop it. Not the case. Especially if the circumstances around me have me concerned or agitated. So the best I can do is try and reason with my worry or perhaps distract my worry or on a good day wrestle it to the ground and give my worry a good kick in the pants. Here are some things that I have tried that work in the morning¬†for those of you who are caregiver worriers like me. Tell yourself worrying is just a waste of energy. I remember that all the things I worried about with my parents never happened. Look out the window and see what it’s like outside. It could be a beautiful day and if we are only focused on whatever we are worried about we miss that beautiful day. Tell yourself today is a new day and it’s about good orderly direction (GOD). If there’s a cat or dog on your bed with you pay attention to them. They only worry if we do. Check out the love they are sending you. If you are blessed with having a partner there in bed with you (even a snoring one) take a minute and say thanks to the universe for the part of them you fell in live with. Imagine if they were no longer there and you forgot to be grateful for them. Try and sit back in your mind and watch yourself twirl around and around worrying and say “Wow isn’t that interesting that I have so many things I’m worrying about when really right now all is calm. Look at all that worrying!” If that’s a little too hippie dippie for you (and those days of yours are long gone) try and understand that worrying is just something we do not something we are. Is this present moment filled with monsters attacking us? Or are we living in the wreckage of our future that we have absolutely no idea about or control over. We don’t have to know what’s next because the universe or God or Higher Power knows. Accept the fact that we are worriers, give ourselves a break for doing it but breathe and let it go. If we died tomorrow, what would today look like? Don’t let today pass you by while you worry. Be gentle with yourself and thank yourself for trying to protect you but take a break now and focus on something else. Before you know it you might actually be more relaxed.
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