Self-Care for Caregivers

Happy Spring! It’s time for a spring book review. Here are three wonderful choices for some spring reading that include an interesting cross-section of topics. Enjoy!
My Forever Super Hero: A Story and Resource Book for Families Dealing with Dementia by Fatima Devine, LICSW, and illustrated by Cynthia Laroche is a lovingly written and illustrated young adult book that shines a light on the heartbreaking and difficult subject of early-onset Alzheimer’s and the effect it can have on everyone in the family. By telling the story through the eyes and emotions of a teenager, Evan, who is emotionally suffering as his Dad struggles and changes with Alzheimer’s, we see firsthand how stress, worry, and grief can be painful and damaging. This book is heartfelt, engaging, and powerful with great resources and solutions for young adults and their families to help them manage their stress and understand the complicated feelings surrounding the disease of Alzheimer’s.
Hospice: The End of the Beginning: A handbook for Caregivers and Family Members by Thomas Moore, is a must-have guide for any caregiver, who is confronted with the daunting situation of placing a loved one in Hospice Care. Everything is compassionately and clearly explained in-depth, covering what to expect in physical changes, a step-by-step breakdown of what hospice means, what to do and expect, in addition to legal and medical directives and initiatives. It’s written with great care and an obvious desire to help and serve others to navigate this difficult journey.
The Essential Guide to CBD: Everything you need to know about what it helps, where to buy, and how to take it by the Editors of Readers Digest & Project CBD is indeed the end all do all guide to CBD. This informative book contains absolutely everything you need to know about CBD, what it can do, and how to understand and administer this medicinal product. Sourcing scientists, doctors, extensive research, and first-hand reviews this guide describes usage, dosage, and action plans. It debunks the myths and offers sound information for those who want to try CBD.
So happy Spring reading! All three books can be found on Amazon at the following links:
My Forever Super Hero: A Story and Resource Book for Families Dealing with Dementia
Hospice: The End of the Beginning: A handbook for Caregivers and Family Members
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