Caregiver Warrior

For almost a decade I have been taking care of both people and animals. I believe I have taken on this responsibility with all good intentions. I have been willing to meet with the best of my ability all the challenges this responsibility brings with it. I sign up for the job of caregiving knowing or think I know what the job entails. I’ve done it enough now so I am generally prepared for what can happen although a Caregiver Warrior’s world is a daily surprise! What catches me off guard about taking on the responsibility is not how seriously I take it but how I attach my sense of self to the job. I can get very upset when something goes wrong or when we hit a medical or mental crisis or big change. It’s almost as though I could control it and I’m responsible. Heck I can get upset if I buy the wrong cereal and someone is disappointed! The situation becomes about me and how I feel instead of the act of caring for someone who needs my help. Keeping calm and operating with a sense of serenity is the best thing I can do for myself and those I care for. Everything and I mean everything goes better when it’s done calmly and gently. I have learned that the best thing to soothe those with dementia is an authentic, calm and gentle manner. When I take my responsibility personally and let it reflect on how I’m feeling about myself I am in danger of losing that extraordinary gift of serenity and all hell can break loose. This is not another excuse to beat myself up about my behavior. Instead it becomes a time to become aware of the fact that I’m trying to be perfect and then getting mad at myself for not being so. I am not doing a bad job and therefore a bad person. Getting upset with and judging myself is a habit I need to change. I must treat myself with the same love, support and approval I have for those I take care of. I have to give myself a break and remind myself how hard I try to cover all the bases and be a great caregiver. My personal best is rich and wonderful. Things are bound to happen, life is an ever growing and changing experience and I am up to the task! I meet it head on with the best of intentions. Showing up and giving it my best regardless of the outcome or the bumps in the road is more than enough. I am giving wonderful service. I am a Caregiver Warrior. I am a winner!


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