Wisdom From The Inside
I was constantly adjusting my life and world as a Caregiver Warrior, and often couldn’t find the information I needed. My blog is a place where I share my personal caregiving experiences, survival strategies I developed, and lessons learned in the trenches. I truly hope this might provide you with some guidance and relief during your caregiving journey.
Why Do I Always Cry In Hospitals?
Whenever I’m in the hospital, I cry. Is it because of the memories I have of my Dad?
7 Tips For Caregivers With A Full-Time Job!
Here are 7 great tips to make your full-time job and caregiving life easier.
Caregiver Stress Revisited
Caregiver Warrior stress is enemy number one. More than any of the other side effects of caregiving…
How To Survive The Emergency Room
Here are some tried and true tips I’ve put in my tool box for those Emergency Room visits.
How To Cope With Caregiver Frustration
A few things that helped me “get a grip”, as my Mom would say when I was at a boiling point…
5 Ways To Manage Anxiety
These tips helped me manage and cope with my anxiety. Let me share them with you.
7 Ways To Cope With Button Pushers!
These following suggestions are helpful when someone pushes our buttons.
Top 6 Ways To Stop Self-Criticism
Knock out the Judge! Stop criticizing yourself and celebrate how special you are!
How To Talk To Those You Care For.
Sarcasm Means To Tear The Flesh! | Be Patient I grew up in a sarcastic household. Obviously, as a child, I thought everyone grew up in the same environment and everybody spoke to everyone in a mocking, passive aggressive way. At home, the tone of the voice was also...