New Year Resolutions For Caregivers

Jan 12, 2016 | Caregiver Inspiration, caregivers journey, Emotional Support | 1 comment

What Are Some Gentle Resolutions For Caregivers This Year? | Caregiver Warrior

Here we are again at the beginning of a new year although it’s seems like it can’t be possible that another year is gone. I swear time is speeding up and life is flying by. I remember promising to live a better life last year and upon the reflection we do at year’s end I do believe that although last year was filled with challenge and heartache I did get better at certain things and learned a lot about accepting those things I can’t change. My goals for this year are less ambitious which in itself is a nice change. I need to be aware that I am exhausted and grieving from loss this past year and must give myself time to heal. Perhaps that alone is a resolution. Not to resolve to do anything but heal. Instead of making big resolutions with lots of major change and expectation, a more simple approach this year seems like a better plan. Here’s a few simple resolutions Caregiver Warriors might consider:

1. Take better care of ourselves. As Caregivers we might just resolve to face the new year hoping to take better care of ourselves or let ourselves heal from the challenges and crisis we have faced in the past year.

2. Slow down. We might hope to slow down. What’s the rush? By taking it easy and slowing down a bit we may end up less exhausted. The last time I looked there wasn’t a Caregivers’ Trophy for how fast we got it all done.

3. Make the good times last. We might hold on to those moments of joy and milk them for all they are worth. They are a precious and need to be savored as long as possible.

4. Seek Serenity. We might hope to face those times of trouble and frustration with more serenity. Meditation, prayer or even a cup of tea with a dear friend or loved one can inspire a more serene attitude.

5. Be Compassionate. We might try and be kinder to ourselves and those we care for. At the end of the day, we should count up the small kindnesses we displayed and give ourselves a pat on the back.

6. To Let go and let God. We might hope to remember that a power great than ourselves is really driving the bus and we can make sure we are doing our best to enjoy the ride.

7. To Dance. We might get up and dance more whether it’s in line in the grocery store, in the living room, kitchen or literally on the dance floor. Then dance like nobody’s watching. These are gentle changes in the way we care for ourselves or live our lives. Instead of making big plans and big resolutions perhaps we can think about quiet ways we can better enjoy our journey.

If we take it one day at a time and be more considerate to ourselves we can create a better year not with the pressure of accomplishing major change but with simple adjustments that add up over time. Easier on us, easier on those around us and easier for the universe to work with. So here’s to keeping it simple and taking it easy. Happy New Year! Here’s hoping for a great new year for all of us.

1 Comment

  1. Carly

    Beautiful post – I especially like resolution number four.


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